Friday, February 5, 2010

Is it true that if my mom takes my xbox away during the week i will do better in school?

My mom takes my xbox power cord away during the week (but she gives it back on the weekends) because she thinks it will help me do better in school but all it really does it want me to play it more on the weekends when she gives it back. Do you think shes right or is it just my addiction to xbox?Is it true that if my mom takes my xbox away during the week i will do better in school?
my mom used to do the same thing..once she let me do it during the week i started playing when i came home from school and doing my homework ALL wrong. She would check my homework and until i kept doing it right she wouldnt let me play during the week...ur mom is partially right but u can prove to her your responsibleIs it true that if my mom takes my xbox away during the week i will do better in school?
I think she's right. Did you ever hear the story of that kid that ran away from home because his parents took away his Xbox, and he was found dead under a tree, frozen?

Well, those parents obviously hadn't enforced the rules your mom is doing right now. Or maybe that kid was just so addicted to it. Either way, don't end up like that kid and do anything stupid like running away over a game console.
If you are truly so hopelessly addicted to Xbox that all you think about during the week is playing it on the weekends, then yes, your mother is definitely doing the right thing.
When I was in school it worked for me, instead of rushing through my homework so I could play games or watch tv I took my time.
To0 much games can affect your performance in scho0l. Your Mom is doing the right thing.

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