Friday, February 5, 2010

If you have red hair does that mean that your mom&dad both have red hair? Is it also true for strawberry blond?

To have red hair do both parents have to have red hair since it is recessive, and if you have strawberry blond hair , then what color hair do your parents have to have ? According to the laws of geneticsIf you have red hair does that mean that your mom%26amp;dad both have red hair? Is it also true for strawberry blond?
No - it means that someone in her ancestry has red hair. I have relatives where neither parent has red hair but the kids do because a grandparent did. I have red hair and neither of my family members to going back like 4 generations - most have strawberry blond. The more red in the family line the brighter the red will be. It is recessive so it comes down to percentages and even if it is only a 10% change it can happen.If you have red hair does that mean that your mom%26amp;dad both have red hair? Is it also true for strawberry blond?
im not 100 % but im fairly sure.....blonde is recessive to every other hair colour and i think red hair is too, which means that both of your parents have to have a recessive red in order for you to have red hair, but they dont necessarily have to have red as their dominant colour. i suppose it could go the other way too, if both your parents have red hair but have recessive brown hair genes then the your likely to have brown hair because brown is a dominant colour....i think this all may be gobbeldegook!
no your parents do not have to have red hair my niece has the reddest hair I have ever seen and both parents have dark brown hair. as for the rest I am not sure.
The fact that its recesv does not mutationaly mean that both hair colours should be exactly the same.
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